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Classification comparison of lithium-ion batteries.

Author : Battsysbattery

The classification comparison of lithium-ion batteries. Firstly, what we are talking about is the classification of lithium-ion batteries. We can classify lithium-ion batteries from four aspects: battery shape, operating temperature, electrolyte state, and positive electrode material. From the battery shape, it can be divided into cylindrical, square, soft pack, and button type lithium-ion batteries.

Cylindrical lithium-ion batteries typically include 18650, 21700, 4680, and so on.
There are many types of square lithium-ion batteries, commonly including 2714891 or 98, 39148, and Yijiatong's 40110.
Soft pack lithium-ion batteries are also common in our daily lives, such as some mobile phone batteries. Soft pack batteries have the characteristics of high energy density, flexible design, but are not easy to match. From the perspective of usage temperature, lithium-ion batteries can be divided into high temperature, room temperature, and low temperature lithium-ion batteries.
High temperature and low temperature are generally used in military and aerospace special fields.
Room temperature lithium-ion batteries are mainly used in the commercial field, and their temperature is usually between 20-60 degrees Celsius. If classified according to the state of the electrolyte, lithium-ion batteries can be divided into liquid, polymer, and all solid lithium-ion batteries.
The electrolyte of liquid lithium-ion batteries is an organic solvent and lithium salt, which are also common types in the commercial market.
The electrolyte of polymer lithium ion battery is polymer, and gel polymer is mainly used at present.
All solid state lithium-ion batteries are currently in the experimental stage, and this type of battery is also a direction for future development.
Finally, if we classify according to the positive electrode materials we mentioned
Lithium ion batteries are further divided into lithium cobalt oxide, lithium manganese oxide, lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide, and lithium iron phosphate ion batteries, among others.
Lithium cobalt oxide batteries have the characteristics of high energy density, high cost, and poor safety.
Lithium manganese oxide batteries have low energy density, poor cycling performance, and poor high-temperature performance.
Nickel cobalt manganese lithium batteries, also known as ternary batteries, have a high energy density and price. In addition, their safety needs to be further improved.
So, what are the characteristics of lithium iron phosphate batteries?

It has a longer cycle life and a lower price than ternary batteries. Moreover, the most important thing is its good safety performance. Its low-temperature performance may be slightly lower. Currently, we have used intelligent heating systems and intelligent cold storage systems to make its low-temperature resistance reach minus 25 degrees Celsius.

Next, let's take a look at the comparison between different packaging lithium batteries
The different packaging methods determine the different properties of batteries, such as aluminum shell, cylindrical, and soft pack lithium batteries.
In terms of price, the price of soft pack batteries is relatively high. In terms of lifespan, the lifespan of soft pack lithium batteries is relatively low.
From the perspective of high-temperature performance, aluminum shell and cylindrical lithium batteries have good high-temperature performance.
In terms of safety performance, aluminum shell and soft pack batteries have high safety performance.

In addition, there are differences in volume specific capacity, weight specific capacity, airtightness, convenience, and other aspects among aluminum shell, cylindrical, and soft pack lithium batteries.
Finally, let's take a look at the comparison of lithium-ion batteries with different positive electrode main materials
Firstly, the energy density of batteries varies depending on the main materials used. The energy density of ternary lithium batteries is the highest, and at the same time, their voltage value is also the highest. This means that ternary lithium batteries have strong activity, and the stronger the activity, the lower their safety.
Let's take a look at lithium iron phosphate batteries
This is a battery with the highest comprehensive cost-effectiveness. Firstly, its material density, energy density, and voltage are all high. Furthermore, its cycle life is also the longest.
At present, the general situation is to reach a charging and discharging frequency of 2000-3000 times.

Guangzhou Battsys Co., Ltd (NEEQ:837375), was founded in 2006, which is a join-stock high-tech enterprise engaging in ODM and OEM , specially for customized and diverse research&production of lithium-ion battery,BATTSYS annual production capacity is tens of millions battery cells. The products are exported to dozens of countries & regions such as Europe, America & Asia etc.

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